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교육연구 전문가들의 열린광장 교육학과

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home 학부 교육과정
학년 학기 이수
교과목명(영문) 학점
1 1 전필 7505012 교육철학(Philosophy of Education) 3-3-0
전선 7405239 교육과 인간(Education and Human) 3-3-0
7405241 미래교육을 위한 AI 테크놀로지 활용(Integrating AI for the Future of Education) 3-3-0
2 전선 7405027 교육과문화(Education and Culture) 3-3-0
전선 7405008 서양교육사(History of Western Education) 3-3-0
2 1 전필 7405007 교육사회학(Educational Sociology) 3-3-0
전필 7405236 교육심리학(Educational Psychology) 3-3-0
전필 7405030 한국교육사(History of Korean Education) 3-3-0
전선 7405220 교육통계(Educational Statistics) 3-3-0
전선 7405026 평생교육론(Theories in Life-long Education) 3-3-0
2 전필 7405015 교육행정학(Educational Administration) 3-3-0
전선 7405235 교수설계(Instructional Design) 3-3-0
전선 7405047 평생교육방법론(Teaching Methodology of Nonformal Education) 3-3-0
전선 7405237 인간발달과 교육(Human Development and Education) 3-3-0
3 1 전필 7405005 교육과정론(Theories of Curriculum) 3-3-0
전선 7405001 교육경제학(Economics of Education) 3-3-0
전선 7405003 교육고전(Classics in Education) 3-3-0
전선 7405051 평생교육프로그램개발론(Theory in Life-long Education Program Development) 3-3-0
전선 7405025 상담심리학(Theories of Counseling) 3-3-0
전선 7405229 교육학교재연구 및 지도법(Teaching Materials & Teaching Methods in Education) 3-3-0
전선 7405230 세계화 교육(Global Education) 3-3-0
2 전필 7405009 교육측정및평가(Measurement and Evaluation in Education) 3-3-0
전선 7405052 평생교육경영론(Life-long Education Administration and Management) 3-3-0
전선 7405231 교육학교육론(Teaching Theory in Eduaction) 3-3-0
전선 7405041 집단상담(Group Counseling) 3-3-0
전선 7405240 교육공학과 문제해결(Instructional Technology and Problem Solving) 3-3-0
전선 7405010 교육연구법(Research Methods in Education) 3-3-0
전선 7405031 현대교육사조(Contemporary Educational Thoughts) 3-3-0
4 1 전선 7405045 교육조직론(Theories of Educational Organization) 3-3-0
전선 7405048 평생교육실습(Practice of Life-Long Education) 3-0-6(주)
전선 7405049 특수교육학개론(Introduction to Special Education) 3-3-0
전선 7405054 교사론과 교직실무(Theory of Teacher and Teaching Practice Affairs) 3-3-0
전선 7405225 심리검사론(Theory of Psychological Testing) 3-3-0
2 전선 7405233 교육정책론(Theories of Educational Policy) 3-3-0
전선 7405234 교육학논술(Essay Writing on Eduaction) 3-3-0
전선 7405232 고등교육론(Theories and Policies of Higher Education) 3-3-0