Yr-Sem-R/E Course (Credit) | Yr-Sem-R/E Course (Credit) |
1-1-R Outline of Korean Philology (3) 1-1-E Literature Education in the AI Era(3) | 1-2-R Outline of Korean Literature (3) 1-2-R Theories of Korean Education(3) |
2-1-R History of Korean Language (3) 2-1-R Modern Korean Poetry& Teaching Poetry (3) 2-1-E Teaching Oral Literature (3) 2-1-E Korean Classical Literature Authors andEducation(3) | 2-2-R Logic and Essay in Korean Education(3) 2-2-R Teaching History of Classical Korean Literature (3) 2-2-E Korean Phonology Teaching Skills (3) 2-2-E Teaching Korean Grammar(3) 2-2-E Teaching Modern Korean Novel (3) 2-2-E Teaching Methods of Literary Research (3) |
3-1-R Teaching History of Modern Korean Literature(3) 3-1-R Education of Communicative Competence (3) 3-1-E Teaching Modern Korean Drama(3) 3-1-E Teaching Mediaeval Korean Grammar(3) 3-1-E Teaching Classic Korean Poems and Education(3) | 3-2-E Korean Semantics Teaching Skills(3) 3-2-E Teaching Classic Korean Poems and EducationⅡ (3) 3-2-E Teaching Classical Korean Romans (3) 3-2-E Modern Korean Authors and Education (3) 3-2-E Teaching Korean Philology (3) 3-2-E Teaching Modern Korean LiteraryCriticism(3) |
4-1-R Korean Language Teaching Material and Teaching Skills (3) 4-1-E Topics in Korean Philology (3) 4-1-E Topics in Korean Language Teaching Methods(3) 4-1-E Reading of Classical Prose (3) | 4-2-E Teaching Korean Dialectology (3) 4-2-E Teaching History of Korean Philology (3) 4-2-E Topics in Modern Korean Literature (3) 4-2-E Resource of Classical Korean Literature(3) |
◆ Outline of Korean Literature
This Class focuses on the basic conceptions and principles of Korean literature. Understanding of the characteristics of history and genre of Korean literature, and its application in important literary works will develop basic competences of literary teacher.
◆ Logic and Essay in Korean Education
This course is general study for teachers to have basic ability of the logical essay writing. Purpose of this essay course is to achieve and to enhance the synthesizing and creative writing as well as to learn the essay education in the Korean Education.
◆ Outline of Korean Philology
This class focuses on the basic conceptions of Korean Linguistics and its educational uses. We study the basic conceptions of Phonology, Morphology, and the syntax of Writing, and apply them in Korean language use. We also cultivate students to acture general foundation of Korean language teacher, to use correct Korean language, and to establish value system on the Korean language.
◆ Modern Korean Poetry & Teaching Poetry
This course will study several poets who represent the period stretching from the beginning of human civilization to the 1950's. In addition, we will examine the history of researches that have been performed on them and select a methodology through which the students themselves can research and compare their works with.
◆ Literature Education in the AI Era
This subject examines the media environment and literature education methods which are effective for the Al(artificial Intelligence) era. It aims to seek solutions for current matters that we face at the moment and to explore educational ways to improve ability for imagination and empathy with various types of contemporary literature works.
◆ Teaching Oral Literature
This course capacitates students to use research techniques on order to understand the characteristics of Korean oral literature. Additionally, students will learn to analyze and interpret the philosophies of Koreans depicted in various genres such as folklore, folk music and traditional plays while examining the existing researches and aesthetics of selected works.
◆ Korean Classical Literature Authors and Education
This course focuses on select, controversial Korean Classical Literature authors in the premodern. The class wil attempt at a deeper understanding of these author's ideologies and the characteristics of their living and literature.
◆ Theories of Korean Education
This course covers basic knowledge of the Korean language, including its comprehension and expressions. It provides intensive study on the pronunciation, letters, rules, and other principles needed to learn Korean as a foreign language.
◆ Teaching History of Classical Korean Literature
This course will investigate the development and classification of distinct periods in the history of classical Korean literature. The two primary components of this course will include critical analysis of the texts and an investigation of the historical context in which it was written.
◆ Korean Phonology Teaching Skills
This course will survey the general theory of phonology and how it can be applied to the korean language. First, the course will cover the basic principles of phonology. Methods of establishing a phoneme will be analyzed to understand korean phonemes and their organization. In addition, the course will cover synchroic and diachronic phonology as well as the historical development of phonemes.
◆ Teaching Modern Korean Novel
This course develops the ability to do a structural analysis of a novel. This ability will enable students to better understand and critique novels. In class we will read various novels to explore the structure and theory behind the modern Korean novel as a genre. While we will focus on the unique characteristics of the modern Korean novel, its descriptive techniques and construction, we will also review the history of the Korean novel's development as a whole and evaluate problems discovered in the process.
◆ Teaching Methods of Literary Research
This course will offer comprehensive explanations on the questions concerning the study of Korean literature. It will provide the students a basic level of Korean literary knowledge that is needed to study and understand its works. Students will systematically examine the concept, scope, genre systems, historical development, as well as the characteristics of themes and aesthetics found in its literature. Such an examination will strengthen and sharpen the student’s research skills for more advanced studies in this field.
◆ History of Korean Language
The course provides a survey of the ways in which the Korean language has changed from ancient times to the presents. First, we will inquire into the genealogy and formation of the Korean language and discuss methods of classifying the language by period. Later, we will examine the characteristics of the systems for spelling, phonology, grammar, and vocabulary from each period. By comparing these characteristics, student will be able to grasp how the Korean language has changed.
◆ Education of Communicative Competence
The goal of language education, communicative competence has been expanded to encompass discourse competence and socio-pragmatic competence in addition to the traditionally acknowledged linguistic competence. Linguistic competence refers to the structural knowledge at the sentential level. Discourse competence is a higher level of knowledge which construes and constructs coherent and cohesive texts. Sociolinguistic and pragmatic competence modulate the use of language appropriate for the socio-pragmatic context. In addition, communicative competence is further understood to include linguistic as well as nonlinguistic communication strategies that settle communication tasks and problems of various sorts. This course aims to introduce the expanded notion of communicative competence, and help students to acquire communicative competence through various authentic communicative activities.
◆ Teaching History of Modern Korean Literature
This course deals with the development of modern Korean literary history, focusing on the criticisms, novels, poems, and dramas of each period from the Enlightenment Period until the 1960s. Students will come to comprehend the particular significance of works in relation to modern Korean literary history, which covers the new novels and poetry of the Enlightenment Period, the new literature founded by Yi Gwang-su, Choi Nam-sun, Kim Dong-in, Yeom Sang-seop, and others, the proletarian literature of the 1920s, the realist and modernist literature of the 1930s, the literature of liberation, and post-war literature.
◆ Teaching Modern Korean Drama
The goal of this course is to engage in demonstrative research of specific modern Korean dramas and their performance. while exploring the unique aesthetics of the genre. Through comparisons with oter genres we will examine how literary ontology is expressed through dramatic styles, and establish a distinctive dramatic aesthetic.
◆ Teaching Mediaeval Korean Grammar
This class will use grammar to look at the structure of the Mediaeval Korean language. Phonemes - consonants, vowels, syllables, accents, and other sounds of the language - will be studied in terms of how they relate to the Mediaeval Korean language’s morphemes, vocabulary, phrases and sentences. The goal of the course is to enhance students’ understanding of Mediaeval Korean grammar.
◆ Teaching Classic Korean Poems and Education Ⅰ- Hyangga & Yeoyo
This course presupposes a foundation in classical poetry. Its goal is to help students understand the aesthetic characteristics of classical poetry and the emotions and thoughts of Koreans that are expressed in it. Various classical forms including gayo, hyangga, Goryeo gayo will be studied. Also examined are the research as well as practice methods of analysis and interpretation. The class will also emphasize the studying of the aesthetic characteristics of specific works and genres.
◆ Topics in Korean Language Teaching Methods
To be able to understand the methodological knowledge necessary to teach the major contents of the Korean effectively as a junior high school Korean teacher. To select a learning task of Korean education, to learn the appropriate teaching methods to challenge.
◆ Teaching Classic Korean Poems and Education Ⅱ - Sijo & Kasa
The goal of this course is to foster a general understanding of classical poetic works from ancient gayo to sijo, and gasa. Students will master the methods of understanding and interpreting literary works. They will survey phraseology, meter, and methods of expression, while learning how to properly read, analyze and interpret works of classical poetry.
◆ Teaching Classical Korean Romans
Based on an overall understanding of Korean classical full-length novels, we will analyze individual full length novels and examine existing research on these novels, gaining an understanding of their aesthetic characteristics and applying these to their study of the works. In this way, students will develop their own methodologies and learn how to study classical full-length novels. An examination of the process of development on Korean classical novels will also foster the development of a comprehensive perspective on Korean classical novels.
◆ Teaching Korean Grammar
In this course, students will study orthography, the prescription of standard Korean, writing methods for loan words, Romanization of the Korean language, and, to enhance Korean language, and, to enhance Korean language education, the principles of Korean language on which each linguistic regulation is based.
◆ Modern Korean Authors and Education
This course focuses on select, controversial Korean authors from the Enlightenment Period through the 1970's. The class wil attempt at a deeper understanding of these author's ideologies and the characteristics of their novels.
◆ Teaching Korea Philology
The course will broaden students’ understanding of Korean by reading and analyzing materials with respect to spelling, letters, phonology, grammar, and vocabulary. With philological and bibliographical approaches, students will learn the methods and procedures for dealing with historical texts in Korean.
◆ Korean Language Teaching Material and Teaching Skills
Based on the knowledge of the Korean language education curriculum, to analyze the contents and organization of Korean language education materials, enhance the efficiency of teaching methods to consider, To be able to learn the proper teaching methods in response to a variety of learning content.
◆ Topics in Koran Philology
In this course, students will study academic systems in terms of the subject and method of Korean language education. To accomplish this goal, the improvement of linguistic competence, the course will deal with the general basic concepts and methods needed to carry out and study Korean language education.
◆ Korean Semantics Teaching Skills
Language is generally viewed as the union of sound and meaning. Semantics is the branch of linguistics concerned with meaning This course will evaluate the definition of meaning, the relationship between the meanings of words, and how they change Furthermore, it will evaluate the meaning of sentences and conversations to facilitate a thorough and comprehensive understanding of the Korean language.
◆ Teaching Modern Korean Literary Criticism
This course presupposes the student to have a foundation in various schools of literary criticism from after the Enlightenment Period. The class explore modern Korean literature through different perspectives. One of he primary tasks of literary criticism is to establish standards by which we evaluate a piece of literature.
◆ Reading of Classical Prose
Students will be trained in the various approaches that have been used throughout Korean classical prose, enabling them to conduct their own research and establish their own arguments. We may study a variety of subjects, such as the concepts, origin, genre theory, or author theory of classical prose. Accordingly, subtitles to the course title for each semester will clearly explain the character of the course for that semester.
◆ Teaching Korean Dialectology
The goal of this course is to expose students to the methods necessary to carry out research on Korean dialectology. Students will be introduced to various theories on dialectology. In particular, the course will concentrate on geographical dialectology and evaluate the characteristics of each dialect’s phonemes, grammar, and vocabulary. Students will learn to distinguish between different dialects and create dialectological diagrams to illustrate such differences.
◆ Teaching History of Korean Philology
The aim of this course is to evaluate existing research and to assess the current trends in Korean language research. In this course Korean linguistic history will be divided into different eras and notable linguists from each era will be selected and their research evaluated. Each student will present an analysis of one linguist and lead the class discussion.
◆ Topics in Modern Korean Literature
This course develops the ability to do a structural analysis of a modern korean literature. This ability will enable students to better understand and critique novels. In class we will read various korean literature to explore the structure and theory behind the modern Korean literature. While we will focus on the unique characteristics of the modern Korean literature, its descriptive techniques and construction, we will also review the history of the Korean literature’s development as a whole and evaluate problems discovered in the process.
◆ Resource of Classical Korean Literature
The development process of Korean classical literature to understand a historic order. Enhance reading comprehension while reading classical literature, so as to understand the era features.