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대학원 교육과정

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지리교육전공 (Geography Education Major)

구분 과정 교과목
교과목명 / 영문
전공공통 석·박 8825056 자연지리교육론 Physical Geography Education
전공공통 석·박 8825062 지리교과교육론 Theory in Geography Education
전공공통 석·박 8825064 인문지리교육론 Human Geography Education
전공공통 석·박 8825076 지역지리교육론 Graduate Seminar on Regional Geography Education
연구과제 석사 8825996 연구윤리 및 연구과제 Ⅰ Research Ethics & Research ProjectⅠ
박사 8825997 연구윤리 및 연구과제 Ⅱ Research Ethics & Research ProjectⅡ
전 공
석·박 8825023 경제지리교육론 Studies in Economic Geography Education
석·박 8825024 인구지리교육론 Studies in Population Geography Education
석·박 8825025 교통지리교육론 Studies of Transportation Geography Education
석·박 8825026 농업지리학 세미나 Seminar in Agricultural Geography
석·박 8825027 공업지리학 세미나 Seminar in Manufacturing Geography
석·박 8825028 유통지리학 세미나 Seminar in Circulation Geography
석·박 8825029 기후토양지리교육론 Studies in Climate and Soil Geographies Education
석·박 8825030 지도학교재연구 Study of Cartography Teaching Materials
석·박 8825031 환경지리교육론 Studies in Environmental Geography Education
석·박 8825032 자연지리교육론 Studies in Physical Geography Education
석·박 8825033 기후환경교육론 Studies in Climatic Environment Education
석·박 8825034 응용기후교육론 Studies in Applied Climatic Education
석·박 8825035 지리교육론연구 Studies in Geography Education
석·박 8825036 지리과논리및논술연구 Study on Logic and Statement in Geography Education
석·박 8825037 지리교육사연구 Studies in History of Geographical Education
석·박 8825038 지리교재및지도법연구 Study of Geography Teaching Materials ans Method
석·박 8825039 지리교육현장연구 Action Researches in Geography Education
석·박 8825040 지리교육평가론연구 Studies in Geography Evaluation
석·박 8825041 문화지리교재연구 Study of Cultural Geography Teaching Materials
석·박 8825042 역사지리교재연구 Studies in Historical Geography Teaching Materials
석·박 8825043 도시지리교육론 Researches in Urban Geography Education
석·박 8825044 사회지리교육론 Researches in Social Geography Education
석·박 8825045 정치지리교육론 Researches in Political Geography Education
석·박 8825046 촌락지리교육론 Researches in Rural Geography Education
석·박 8825047 도시체계 세미나 Seminar on Urban System
석·박 8825048 도시구조 세미나 Seminar on Urban Structure
석·박 8825049 지형학교재연구 Study of Geomorphology Teaching Materials
석·박 8825050 한국지형연구및야외실습 Studies in Korean Landforms and Fieldwork
석·박 8825051 제4기지형발달교육론 A Study on teaching method on quaternary landscape evolution
석·박 8825052 응용지형교육론 Researches in Applied Geomorphology
석·박 8825053 지형연구자료분석세미나 Seminar on Geomorphic Research Material analysis
석·박 8825054 하천지형교육론 Researches in Fluid Geomorphology