구분 | 과정 | 교과목 번호 |
교과목명 / 영문 | |
전공공통 | 석·박 | 8825056 | 자연지리교육론 | Physical Geography Education |
전공공통 | 석·박 | 8825062 | 지리교과교육론 | Theory in Geography Education |
전공공통 | 석·박 | 8825064 | 인문지리교육론 | Human Geography Education |
전공공통 | 석·박 | 8825076 | 지역지리교육론 | Graduate Seminar on Regional Geography Education |
연구과제 | 석사 | 8825996 | 연구윤리 및 연구과제 Ⅰ | Research Ethics & Research ProjectⅠ |
박사 | 8825997 | 연구윤리 및 연구과제 Ⅱ | Research Ethics & Research ProjectⅡ | |
지리교육 전 공 (담당교수: 강창숙 류연택 김종연 이재열 윤현위) |
석·박 | 8825023 | 경제지리교육론 | Studies in Economic Geography Education |
석·박 | 8825024 | 인구지리교육론 | Studies in Population Geography Education | |
석·박 | 8825025 | 교통지리교육론 | Studies of Transportation Geography Education | |
석·박 | 8825026 | 농업지리학 세미나 | Seminar in Agricultural Geography | |
석·박 | 8825027 | 공업지리학 세미나 | Seminar in Manufacturing Geography | |
석·박 | 8825028 | 유통지리학 세미나 | Seminar in Circulation Geography | |
석·박 | 8825029 | 기후토양지리교육론 | Studies in Climate and Soil Geographies Education | |
석·박 | 8825030 | 지도학교재연구 | Study of Cartography Teaching Materials | |
석·박 | 8825031 | 환경지리교육론 | Studies in Environmental Geography Education | |
석·박 | 8825032 | 자연지리교육론 | Studies in Physical Geography Education | |
석·박 | 8825033 | 기후환경교육론 | Studies in Climatic Environment Education | |
석·박 | 8825034 | 응용기후교육론 | Studies in Applied Climatic Education | |
석·박 | 8825035 | 지리교육론연구 | Studies in Geography Education | |
석·박 | 8825036 | 지리과논리및논술연구 | Study on Logic and Statement in Geography Education | |
석·박 | 8825037 | 지리교육사연구 | Studies in History of Geographical Education | |
석·박 | 8825038 | 지리교재및지도법연구 | Study of Geography Teaching Materials ans Method | |
석·박 | 8825039 | 지리교육현장연구 | Action Researches in Geography Education | |
석·박 | 8825040 | 지리교육평가론연구 | Studies in Geography Evaluation | |
석·박 | 8825041 | 문화지리교재연구 | Study of Cultural Geography Teaching Materials | |
석·박 | 8825042 | 역사지리교재연구 | Studies in Historical Geography Teaching Materials | |
석·박 | 8825043 | 도시지리교육론 | Researches in Urban Geography Education | |
석·박 | 8825044 | 사회지리교육론 | Researches in Social Geography Education | |
석·박 | 8825045 | 정치지리교육론 | Researches in Political Geography Education | |
석·박 | 8825046 | 촌락지리교육론 | Researches in Rural Geography Education | |
석·박 | 8825047 | 도시체계 세미나 | Seminar on Urban System | |
석·박 | 8825048 | 도시구조 세미나 | Seminar on Urban Structure | |
석·박 | 8825049 | 지형학교재연구 | Study of Geomorphology Teaching Materials | |
석·박 | 8825050 | 한국지형연구및야외실습 | Studies in Korean Landforms and Fieldwork | |
석·박 | 8825051 | 제4기지형발달교육론 | A Study on teaching method on quaternary landscape evolution | |
석·박 | 8825052 | 응용지형교육론 | Researches in Applied Geomorphology | |
석·박 | 8825053 | 지형연구자료분석세미나 | Seminar on Geomorphic Research Material analysis | |
석·박 | 8825054 | 하천지형교육론 | Researches in Fluid Geomorphology |