The Department of Geography Education was founded in 1980 as a part of the College of Education. Since the foundation of the department, over 600 students have graduated and are working as experts in various fields in society, especially as teachers in secondary education. Current members of the department include 5 professors and 68 students.
The main purpose of the activities of the department is to prepare students to become excellent teachers in secondary schools and to provide quality teaching in the future. The secondary purpose is to prepare students to become geography-related experts such as professors, education administrators, regional planners, and urban planners.
The curriculum of the department consists of (1) physical geography (geomorphology, climatology, soil geography, and etc.), (2) human geography (urban geography, political geography, and economic geography, etc.) and (3) geography education (Study of Geographic Education, The Logic and Statement in Geography Education, Study of Teaching Materials and Method in Geography Education, etc.).
Practical research expertise in geography is gained by (1) the study of theories through lectures, (2) experimental research using facilities such as experimental room, geomorphological analysis room, mapping room, and GIS room, and (3) field research.
The department curriculum has four components: major courses(75 credits), pedagogy(24 credits), liberal arts(30 credits), and electives.