본과는 장래 교육의 일익을 담당할 수 있는 훌륭한 교사의 양성을 주된 목표로 하고 있으며, 교수요원, 교육행정요원, 국토계획요원, 도시계획요원 등의 지리학 관련된 분야의 전문가를 양성함을 부수적인 목표로 한다.
The Department of Geography Education was founded in 1980. 425 students have graduated and are working as experts in various fields in geography, especially as teachers in secondary education. Current members of the department include five professors and 70 students. The curriculum of the Department consists of (1)
physical geography (geomorphology, climatology, soil geography, etc.), (2) human geography (urban geography, political geography, economic geography) and (3) geography education (geography teaching methods, history of geography education, analysis of geography texts in secondary schools, etc.). Practical research expertise in geography is gained by (1) the study of theories through lectures, (2) experimental research using facilities such as laboratories, geomorphological analysis rooms, mapping rooms, and GIS rooms, and (3) completing field work.
The main purpose of the Department is to prepare students to become excellent teachers in secondary schools and to provide quality teaching in the future. Also, it aims to prepare students to become geography-related experts such as professors, education administrators, regional planners, and urban planners.