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글로벌 체육인재 양성 체육교육과

진리(眞理), 정의(正義), 개척(開拓)



home English Introduction

Educational Objectives

To foster teachers and specialists in physical education to realize whole-rounded education, we provide professional theoretical knowledge on physical education and various practical courses required in the physical education field, intending to nurture the expertise of physical education teachers necessary in the era and society of the 21st century, and to further develop competitive talent who can represent Korea and the world in physical education.

Educational Contents

We provide theoretical subjects to help students understand physical education, such as sports physiology, sports psychology, exercise learning, sports sociology, physical education principles, exercise prescription, history of physical education, teaching and learning in physical education, physical education curricula, research methods in physical education, and training methodology, as well as a variety of practical subjects, including athletics, gymnastics, soccer, volleyball, basketball, tennis, skiing, and baseball.