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글로벌 체육인재 양성 체육교육과

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home English Curriculum
학부 교과목개요표
Yr-Sem-R/E Course (Credit) Yr-Sem-R/E Course (Credit)
1-1-R Development of Teaching Materials in Physics EducationⅠ (1)
1-1-E General Physics & Lab.Ⅰ (3)
1-2-E Development of Teaching Materials in Physics EducationⅡ (1)
1-2-E General Physics & Lab.Ⅱ (3)
2-1-R Mechanics & Mechanics EducationⅠ (3)
2-1-E Middle & High School Physics ExperimentⅠ (1)
2-1-E Mathematical PhysicsⅠ (3)
2-1-E Study on Teaching Materials and Teaching Methods in ScienceⅠ (2)
2-2-R Mechanics & Mechanics EducationⅡ (3)
2-2-E Middle & High School Physics ExperimentⅡ (1)
2-2-E Mathematical PhysicsⅡ (3)
2-2-E IT based Physics Education (3)
3-1-R Theory of Science Education (3)
3-1-R Modern Physics & Modern
Physics EducationⅠ (3)
3-1-R Electromagnetism & Electromagnetism EducationⅠ(3)
3-1-R Physics Experiment Ⅰ (1)
3-1-E Study on Teaching Materials and Teaching Methods in Mechanics (3)
3-1-E Computer Education in Science (3)
3-1-E Mechanics & Mechanics Education (3)
3-2-R Physics ExperimentⅡ (1)
3-2-E Waves & Optics Education (3)
3-2-E Study on Teaching Materials and Teaching Methods in Physics (3)
3-2-E Electronics and Lab (3)
3-2-E Investigation and Teaching of Traditional Science (3)
3-2-E Electromagnetism & Electromagnetism Education (3)
4-1-E Quantum MechanicsⅠ (3)
4-1-E Thermal and Statistical Physics (3)
4-1-E Study on Teaching Materials and Teaching Methods in Electromagnetism (3)
4-1-E Seminar in Modern Physics (3)
4-1-E Advanced Physics ExperimentⅠ (1)
4-1-E Nuclear Physics (3)
4-1-E Physics PracticeⅠ (3)
4-1-E Nano Physics & Nano Physics Education (3)
4-1-E Modern Physics & Modern Physics Education (3)
4-2-E Topics in Physics (3)
4-2-E Topics in Science Education (3)
4-2-E Study on Teaching Materials and Teaching Methods in Optics (3)
4-2-E Advanced Physics ExperimentⅡ (1)
4-2-E Theory of Relativity (3)
4-2-E Solid State Physics (3)
4-2-E Physics PracticeⅡ (3)
4-2-E Quantum MechanicsⅡ (3)
4-2-E History of Science (3)
4-2-E Logic and Logical Writing in Science (3)