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Introduction to Departmnet

home English Introduction to Departmnet


hello? Our Department of Biology Education focuses on the key areas of biology that are expected to be on the future employment exam by thoroughly analyzing the questions and questions that have been asked in the past so that students can pass the recruitment exam and achieve their dream of becoming a biology teacher. Our Department of Biology Education has produced the top-ranked admission test students in the country for the past three years, and the pass rate is increasing significantly every year. In addition, many students who have graduated from our department are working as biology teachers in schools across the country. The faculty of the major educates students to become competent biology teachers who will lead and educate students in the future while actively pioneering their own future and research the subject contents. Through this, we are striving to nurture talents who will contribute to the development of secondary education and life sciences in Korea. After the completion of the Human Genomic Project, our Department of Biology Education is also a place to find out what is the phenomenon of life that understands humans and life, the status of humans in the ecosystem, and the justification for environmental conservation. In addition, the curriculum predicts the future in line with the development direction of the life sciences and focuses on the fields necessary for employment and further education after graduation. It is also a place where you can study and learn about molecular biology technologies and principles, life science discoveries using them, and future use values. Therefore, talented students, please enter our Department of Biology Education and realize your dream of becoming a biology teacher. The Department of Biology Education, Chungbuk National University, will take the step towards the dream of becoming a biology teacher. Biology Education Dept. Lee Jae-gwon

Educational Objectives

Cultivate the creative thinking that identifies the life phenomena of life. Possess the global competitiveness about biological knowledge and educate human resource who obey responsibility and duty as members of society.

Educational Contents

Preliminary teacher in department of biology education will acquire the knowledge of Genetics, Molecular Biology, Animal Physiology, Plant Physiology, Ecology and learn about eaching and Research Methods comprehensively and deeply by experiment and practice in each field of biology. and cultivate good teaching ability to teach general biology contents on middle school and high school. also we progress Marine Surveys. it helps student tp experience learning about ecosystem site and improve students' presentation skills by conducting seminars.