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참된윤리의 요람 윤리교육과

진리(眞理), 정의(正義), 개척(開拓)


Introduction to Department

home English Introduction to Department


The main purpose of Department of Ethics Education is the training of teachers who can play their roles competently as moral and ethics teachers in the middle and high schools. The department offers several lectures like "Korean and Eastern Ethical Thoughts", "Western Ethical Thoughts", "Political Philosophy", "Social Sciences" and "Religion", in order to suggest desirable views on ethical problems which are engendered in contemporary societies. And the department offers other lectures like "Teaching Methods on Morals", "The Curriculum in Moral Education", "Theories of Moral Education" and so on, to give students various teaching skills which could be used in the middle and high schools. The educational environments, including six respectable professors, of the Department is very good to become a competent moral and ethics teacher. So the Department is one of the highest level in passing percentages of national teacher employment examination.

Educational Objectives

The Department of Ethics Education established in 1981 has the objective of fostering teachers who can faithfully perform the education of morals and ethics curriculum of middle and high school.

Educational Contents

In the Department of Ethics Education, a wide range of in-depth courses such as ethical thoughts of Korea and East/West, philosophy, political science, social science, religion, etc, are established in order to raise the discerning eye having various perspectives and viewpoints on the issues of ethics that are essential for leading the personal life as well as social life. Through these courses, the students not only as a teacher of secondary school but as a member of society and the state, can be equipped with the correct human nature and social nature for living the best life. As a result of exerting the best effort by 5 sincere and excellent professors in order to realize the educational goals of the Department of Ethics Education, this department boasts the highest level of teacher recruitment examination pass rate among national universities and has contributed much to the development of the country, individuals, schools and society.