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교육연구 전문가들의 열린광장 지구과학교육과

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home English Introduction


The Department of Earth Science Education at Chungbuk National University aims to educate and train students to become a science teacher for secondary education. It offers courses of astronomy, geology, meteorology, oceanography, and science education. Established as the earth science major of the Department of Science Education in 1981, it became its own department in 2009 and admits 15 students each year. The department possesses various facilities including optical telescopes and thin section preparation machines which the students can use to learn various aspects of Earth science. It also offer many opportunities for field studies which are essential to the field.

Educational Objectives

  • To develop creative ability to solve problems and research capability based on experiments and practical courses.
  • To train teachers with profound knowledge on earth sciences.
  • To train teachers with decent personality, ethics, and propriety.

Educational Contents

Earth sciences comprise several disciplines such as astronomy, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, and geology which all aim to understand natural phenomena in the Earth. Earth science teachers are critically important in our efforts to educate public to respect and conserve the planet’s resources and environment. The department provides students with a strong foundation in earth sciences as well as educational theory and methods.